Ordering Pins
Types of Pins
Hard Enamel Pins / Epola / Imitation Cloisonné

Hard enamel pins are arguably the highest quality pins available. Sometimes called 'epola pins' or even 'imitation cloisonn', hard enamel pins are a long lasting and durable choice for corporate pins, convention pins, event pins, fraternity pins, sorority pins or political pins.
Request Your Free DesignHard enamel pins are die-struck and then color is applied with a small brush or needle. Hard enamel pins are characterized by thin metal lines separating each of the colors on your pin. Hard enamel pins are heated to a high temperature and then polished, creating a bright, smooth, hard enamel finish. For an embossed look where you can feel the texture of the design, select soft enamel pins instead.
Hard enamel polished pins (a.k.a die struck pin with hard enamel), are one of the highest quality pins available. Hard enamel has brilliant colors, metal separated detailing, and great durability with a polished smooth and hard finish. 2.00" and larger pins have two 8mm spur nails on the back, while smaller pins have one.
Soft Enamel vs. Hard EnamelAdvantages of Hard Enamel Pins
- Very high quality finish - view plating options
- Up to seven colors - $0.10/ea for extra colors.
- High perceived value - durable & smooth polished finish
- PMS (Pantone) color matching available
- Bright, vivid colors will not fade over time
- Any custom shape is possible
- Add fine details with screen printing. Add $0.25 per piece and a $25.00 setup per color for this option.
Disadvantages of Hard Enamel Pins
- Limited color choices - these are not full color pins
- Longer production time - pins are hand colored and polished
- Priced higher than some other types
- Polished plating styles only (no dyed or antique plating)
Hard Enamel Pin Pricing